[VR游戏] 殭屍山莊(Qian-Shan Village)中文版百度云下载

加入收藏     作者 西弗勒斯   2022-04-12 16:52:42

  [VR游戏] 殭屍山莊(Qian-Shan Village)中文版是一款僵尸类型的游戏,玩家能在游戏中体验到惊险刺激的乐趣,快来一起体验一下吧

  Hello! Everyone, Thanks For Reviewing This Game.We are team members from The Barking Dog AR/VR Studio @ Taiwan. We would like to share the eastern horror experience with you!Wish you would like this game, and please give us feedback to make the game better! Thanks for your advice in advance! About the Game

  This game features the Chinese Zombie stories. Inspired by the Hong Kong movie in 1985, Mr. Vampire series, we build up a game with the fantastic Chinese spells and scary scenes in order to bring players back to the amazing horror movie.

  In this game, player will play as the role of “Wan, Zhu-Sheng”, and go the “Qian-Shan Village” to take his uncle’s body back to hometown for rest in peace. Since zombies appear on his way to village, Wan falls in danger and almost died. But luckily, he learn the spell of Taoist, and start his adventure to the “Qian-Shan Village”…….


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